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by Bill D'Agostino, directed by Peter Bisgaier

December 2-23, 2022

Murray the Elf, and the Case of the Missing Mistletoe

"Samantha Ricchiuti is winning as the shopping mall elf recruited by Mrs. Claus to investigate a rare North Pole crime."  



"Derry seems to revel in all of his characters..."


by Yasmina Reza, trans. Christopher Hampton, directed by Peter Bisgaier

October 7-23, 2022

God of Carnage

"[A] marvelously funny display of held-in thoughts and emotions bursting from internal silence to the noisy, no-holds-barred fore."


"You can barely tell David Nikolas is acting...he seems so at home as his part..."

"Righteous Jolly makes it fun to see his character...unravel from a man who backs his wife in everything to one who shows how miserable his life is and finally asserts personality and individuality." 

"Jennifer Nasta Zefutie provides wonderful moments...She perfectly handles a tough being funny while making you care about her and if she’ll be all right.

"Mary Tomson is the picture of self-righteous rectitude"


"The performances crackly with Pithy Humor and undercurrents of tension that are absolutely riveting."

"The direction by Peter Bisgaier is seamless...providing an emotional roller coaster ride of dizzying proportions."

"A must see..."

  -Christopher Canaan


by Stephen Dietz, directed by Peter Bisgaier

April 15-24, 2019


"Jennifer Nasta Zefutie delivers a luminous portrayal...David C. Neal is entertaining..."  

  -Town Topics


"Sarah Stryker plays this character beautifully."


"Bisgaier and a cast of sincere, realistic, engaging actors keep you listening and following the characters’ basic lives and interactions while skillfully creating an ending that comes as a surprise." 



Human Error

by Eric Pfeffinger, directed by Jennifer Nasta Zefutie

September 21-30, 2018

"The Pegasus cast is uniformly excellent." 

"Zefutie's astute direction...understands the originality of the piece and gets quickly and solidly to its core..." 


Bakersfield Mist  

"Petito and Hinton create a sort of theatrical magic..."  


"...a most satisfying and entertaining evening." 

  -Princeton Packet/TimeOff

"...there should be no question that audiences will be entertained by this first-rate production..."

"...Peter Bisgaier is skilled at eliciting strong, nuanced performances from his cast."

  -Town Topics

by Stephen Sachs, directed by Peter Bisgaier

April 13-22, 2018

"...nuanced and visually alluring..."


"This production’s quartet of actors exudes strong chemistry, deftly choreographed movement, and nimble comic timing."

   -Town Topics

Chapter Two

by Neil Simon, directed by Jennifer Nasta Zefutie

September 15-24, 2017


by Yasmina Reza, trans. Christopher Hampton, directed by Jennifer Nasta Zefutie 

March 31-April 9, 2017           

"Pegasus Theatre...staging of Yasmina Reza’s 'Art' isn’t just a terrific presentation of a funny and insightful play, it’s an example of a creative team perfectly using a small, intimate space to create an evening that is as powerful as it is funny."

"...Yvan [is] wonderfully played by Matthew Cassidy...Bisgaier and Nikolas are perfect for their roles."

"Zefutie's direction is fantastic."



" engaging comedy performed by a cast with good chemistry..."


"...strong acting is required to distinguish the characters. Fortunately, this trio is more than equal to the task."

   -Town Topics



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Pegasus Theatre NJ is a New Jersey nonprofit corporation recognized under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Tax Code. 

EIN: 81-2116619

2024 Copyright © Pegasus Theatre NJ.  All Rights Reserved.  


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